Written By: Bob Mortimer & Vic Reeves
Year: 2025
Starring: Bob Mortimer, Vic Reeves
The Glove’ is a comedy road movie about two best friends in search of Michael Jackson’s training glove. VIC and BOB are childhood friends who own a small junk shop where they both work and live. When they can, they practice their passion: motorbike stunts. With the dream that one day, they will leave junk shop behind.
However, they are broke, months behind on the rent and with profits drying up, their obnoxious landlord STEVE, an avid collector of memorabilia gives the men an ultimatum: either be out of the shop by the end of the week or be tasked with procuring a rare and unusual item for him. They accept and find themselves in Steve’s unsavoury mansion, surrounded by show business memorabilia - from celebrity urine to Hitler’s tortoise. Here they meet Steve’s unhappy wife, MARY, a woman who Bob had a relationship with years before. Steve informs the boys they must to travel the south of England and steal the training glove worn by pop star Michael Jackson from a rival collector, known as THE FALCON.
Shortly into their journey, they realise Mary has snuck aboard, with no time to go back, and Mary’s unwillingness to return to Steve, the trio travel through the counties, in search for The Glove. The romance between Mary and Bob is rekindled throughout the story, which disgruntles Vic and leaves him wondering if their motorcycle dreams are doomed. They arrive in the village where The Falcon lives, and find themselves in the local pub.
They chat to the landlord and discover a local called ROY FALCONER will be judging the town’s annual talent contest that evening. As the bizarre talent contest ensues that night, Vic, Bob and Mary break into The Falcon’s mansion. Unfortunately, their plan is thwarted when The Falcon and his henchman SVEN corner them. The trio fight off impending death and recover ‘The Glove’ from THE Falcon and his henchman. Unknowingly, STEVE has tracked them down and threatens to kill all three of them and take The Glove for his own memorabilia collection.
The Falcon appears – not quite dead yet and shoots Steve with a shot gun killing him instantly. Vic, Bob and Mary quickly get on their bikes, using their stunt routine manage to escape, killing the falcon in the process. One year later, Mary and Bob are together living in Steve’s house – fulfilling a new dream together. Vic continues his dream of becoming a stunt bike driver.